Tuesday, June 4, 2013

This is a Grand Canyon! 2013

My pictures will do nothing for you as compared to  these supplied by R.W.B. Brad Ross of Connecticut. That being said, even these pictures don’t make a big enough impression.

Of course I did take a few to prove we were there.


The NPS has done a great job of making this delight accessible to all of us.  A system  is in place with free shuttle buses.  They follow 5 routes dropping  you at various scenic spots, each overlook exceeding the last one. Using these busses, you are not forced to use parking lots which would cause you to do a great deal of walking.

Our Massachusetts friend John Trembly called in a favor and arranged for us to have a Pink Jeep tour.  We took the Grand Finale Tour which takes advantage of the special lighting effects as that giant orb sinks over the western rim.  Thank-you John!

From the left:  1)  Our fearless group.  2) A Giant Condor.  The entire population of these birds are tagged and inventoried.  3) A spring of mistletoe found in a juniper tree caused me to jump into action! 4)  We see the last peak of the sun over Anne-Marie’s head.


DSCN2267 I’m looking for a new Masonic Flag, size 3’ X 2’.  Ours is too big and drags on the greasy 5th wheel


Our manual satellite dish was smashed when it feel last night. Probably operator error, I’m thinking one of the huge Elks here ran into it. I’ll find a replacement when I’m in an area with Craig’s List.

200+ mile run tomorrow to the north rim, than on to the Grand Teton’s.

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