Sunday, December 16, 2012

There is no ‘X’ in Christmas!

Mike Graston's Colour Cartoon For Saturday, December 15, 2012


Sorry if Mike Gaston’s cartoon shown is a bummer.  We spent our first 65 years in Connecticut and feel for all the people who suffer in their own ways.  We were charter members of South Windsor’s Ambulance corps and are proud of it.  We were never called to anything a horrific as this but we did respond to things the revisit us during the quite hours in the morning.  Because of this we have great empathy for the first responders whose lives will be irreversibly changed by this event. 

OK, now is time for me to ‘come out of the closet’ on this: I am absolutely against the pro-gun folks.  There, I’ve said it.  Don’t bother arguing this with me, I’m reverting to my heritage and being a Hard Headed Stubborn Yankee on this item.

One of the more profound news items is attributed to Morgan Freeman.  I suggest it strongly.


Oct 28th, Annies Pumpkin!We are presently in Georgetown, Texas which is just north of Austin and Round Rock.  It has been cool in the evening, enough so that the water hose sometimes freezes.  Day time temperatures in the mid 70’s are the norm so we can cope.  We do have snow here, when that happens everything comes to a sudden stop except motor vehicle traffic which will slide to a stop if it doesn’t hit something solid. 

Next month we will revisit Quartzite Arizona.  WE will stay there for several weeks, freeloading on BLM Land.  A moment to thank you all for supporting this activity with your tax dollars.  We will stay with a group od Escapees about 4 miles out of town in the desert.

The Mexican Connection trip will be in February, we are looking forward to the ‘Vacation’ with good friends.

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