Thursday, July 25, 2013

We are at Chicken, Alaska. Population, maybe 3 2013


The drive from Dawson City, YK to Chicken, Alaska the toughest 109 miles this fellow ever did.  It is called, The Top of the World Road’ for good reason.  No food, drink or fuel stops.  Very few areas suitable to pull over for personnel needs.  The first 66 miles were in Canada.  We were treated to severe grades (With attending great views) and a rough pot holed surface.  Passing was unthinkable, was it worth a life and limb to gain 100 feet?DSCN3293DSCN3297DSCN3298DSCN3299 



Did we have Valleys? yes!  With a 2000 foot shear drop, no barriers to reduce your viewing pleasure.  The road was a wagon trail in the 1860’s.  It was ‘improved’ in 1902, today it is closed from October to March.  We saw no signs of life including police or emergency workers!  That all being said, it is spectacular!

At last, we are back in the U.S. A.  It  was quaint one man post the greeted us, he chats for a moment.  He looks to be a retiree, His post is the northern most border crossing into United States Territory!  He pleasantly stamps our passports and informs is that the next 40 miles are much worse that those we just traveled.


Oh My, the wisdom of his age!  This road is devilish, you must stay hundreds of feet behind the fellow in front due to his plum of fine dust.  Our speed is never over 25 mph, most of the trip I make in 2nd gear (of 6) due to grades up and down.  One fellow (not our group) made a suicidal move and passed me.  He put us to real risk so he could gain 200 feet in 30  miles.  Yes, I muttered threats of road rage!


At Last we got to an American Town; Chicken, Alaska.  Our host was the owner of the campground.  He and his Wife had mined for 30 years and bought the property for the campground in 1991.  He assured us that he knew of 3 full time residents:  The post Mistress, Her husband and ‘an old fellow’.  Our Host had never wintered in the area!

Dust Everywhere.  Even inside our exterior compartments!                                        NEXT:  Why are these people wearing Chicken Hats?



1 comment :

  1. Welcome back to USA. Love your journey, and your Masonic sites and stories. Best of Luck, and quick repairs. GL of CT is proud of an ambitious Mason!
    MW Simon R. LaPlace
    Grand Master
