Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Rally Winds Down 2012


We had a house guest on Tuesday, Chloe Schaffer is Sue and Charlie’s doggle.   Well, they think she is, Chloe figures them to be her two legged pets.  Charlie & Sue had to make a quick road trip back to the states to drop their Daughter at the Imperial Airport so she could go home and play G’ma in Indiana.  Chloe quickly found a spot on the sofa where she could keep her eyes on things.DSCN1870DSCN1874






Later in the day we had our Annual Meeting.  Interesting fact is that we constitutional only have one Business Meeting per year and it must take place in Mexico.  Our outgoing Wagon Master (Charlie Bowles in a white sweater) was congratulated for running this successful trip.  Ed (With Hat) served us as pro-tem President.  The fellow with the silver hair is Steve Buffy, out Treasurer.

Steve had just given us the great news that our Charitable donations this year have reached $6,000.  This is very good performance when you consider that there were only 30 rigs here, you do the math!

Than it came time to nominate and vote in new officers.  There is an ascending line that includes: President, 1st Vice President {Who is the Wagon Master}, 2nd Vice President (2014 Wagon Master and 3rd Vice President.

Guess who was appointed 3rd V.P.??





As you can tell, it was cool at the meeting.  We were all very happy to go into the attached Mexican restaurant for our 3rd catered meal.

We return to the States tomorrow, 1st destination is more desert camping at the Western Winter Blast pyrotechnics convention, held at Lake Havasu, AZ.  After that I’m hoping to get to the March Meet in Bakersfield, CA.  This is one of the oldest fuel races and is attended by a huge field of Nostalgia Cars in all classes.





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